Category: Grant Program

Dickey Museum Awarded $10,000 Anna-Anton Grant

The Anna-Anton Olson Legacy Foundation awards the Dickey Museum and Multipurpose Center in Taylor an Anna-Anton Grant for $10,000 through its 2024 Anna-Anton Grant Cycle.

Larry Olson, Anna-Anton Founder, stated, ““I’m glad that the Dickey Museum reached out to Anna-Anton during our 2024 Grant Program and look forward to working with them on their “Inspiring Leadership. Civility & Service” project.  I hope other Taylor nonprofit organizations will consider applying for grants during next year’s 2025 Anna-Anton Grant Program”.

“The Dickey Museum’s focus on supporting youth and young adults from Taylor’s Health Equity Zone is also a major priority area for Anna-Anton.  Helping youth to gain valuable life skills and develop a deeper connection to their community through workshops on civility, leadership, goal setting, civic engagement, personal and business finances will be a critical factor in their ability to succeed as productive individuals in Taylor.”

Anna+Anton Awards $150,000 for Operational Support Through the 4th Annual Grant Cycle

Georgetown, Texas, November 12, 2024.  The Anna+Anton Olson Legacy Foundation (Anna-Anton) recently distributed $150,000 to a variety of local nonprofits serving the Georgetown, Hutto and Taylor communities.  This year Anna-Anton shifted from supporting both programming and operational support, to focusing solely on the operational aspect of nonprofits.  Both short-term unexpected needs/upgrades as well as long-term operational capacity building projects were funded.

A few of the unexpected needs that are being addressed include:

  • Covering a drastic increase in the cost of insurance for the vehicles of a transportation program;
  • Gap funding due to loss of government grant funding;
  • Financial software upgrades;
  • Website updates for better security and customer/client service; and
  • Upgrading an HVAC system in an aging food storage facility.

Capacity building needs being addressed include a strategic leadership project to build a sustainable & adaptive organization, the creation of a fundraising and development plan, and leadership training for a nonprofit’s board, staff and volunteers.  According to the founder of the Anna-Anton Foundation, Larry Olson, “The decision to focus on organizational sustainability appears to have been the type of innovative philanthropy local nonprofits are looking for. Anna-Anton received almost twice the number of grant applications this year with its new approach, than last year’s grant cycle.”

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The Anna+Anton Olson Legacy Foundation Launches 2024 Grant Program, Featuring a Significant Shift in Grant Focus

Georgetown, Texas, July 29, 2024. Today, the Anna+Anton Olson Legacy Foundation (Anna-Anton) initiated their 2024 Grant Program, emphasizing nonprofit sustainability. This year’s grant cycle is set to allocate up to $150,000 for nonprofits’ unforeseen operational demands and organizational capacity building initiatives within the Georgetown, Hutto, and Taylor communities.

Nonprofits supporting these three communities are encouraged to apply at, and the deadline for submission is September 22, 2023.

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Foundation Surpasses $500,000 Through 3rd Annual Grant Cycle

Georgetown, Texas, November 08, 2023.  The Anna+Anton Olson Legacy Foundation (Foundation) has achieved a milestone in philanthropy and has distributed over $500,000 since inception.  This is the third annual grant cycle undertaken by the Foundation which was established in August 2021 with the goal to provide grants to help strengthen the Georgetown, Hutto and Taylor communities through a life cycle of caring.

According to the Foundation’s founder, Larry Olson, “I appreciate that Central Texas Community Foundation, Chisholm Trail Communities Foundation, and Great Taylor Foundation agreed to work together in evaluating all grant applications received during this grant cycle.  Their level of philanthropic cooperation is a perfect example of the collaboration the Foundation has been encouraging in the nonprofit community.”  Through this year’s grant cycle, $150,000 was distributed to local nonprofits for both operating expenses as well as specific programs that will address at least one of the Foundation’s three Focus Areas:

  • Give underserved children more opportunities to grow and thrive;
  • Foster a spirit of entrepreneurship with youth and young adults in underserved areas; and/or
  • Provide independence and dignity to seniors trying to live at home.

Larry Olson also stated that “The Anna+Anton Olson Legacy Foundation gives a special thanks to the Staff and Board of the Central Texas Community Foundation.  Their support, advice, and assistance was key in helping make the 2023 Grant Program so successful.”

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Georgetown Rotary Club Receives Grant to Support the 2023 Field of Honor

The Anna+Anton Olson Legacy Foundation presented a grant to the Rotary Club of Georgetown Foundation to support the 2023 Field of Honor located this year at GISD’s Hammerlun Center located in the heart of Georgetown’s Old Town community.   This year’s Field of Honor displayed over 1,400 full-sized flags dedicated to individual Veterans or First Responders.  The event was part of the Rotary Club’s celebration of Veterans Day on November 11th.